Neil Patrick Harris may have been the host, but Sunday night’s Academy Awards ceremony hadn’t even started before John Travolta stole the show.

The actor, who famously fluffed Frozen singer Idina Menzel’s name at last year’s Oscars, grabbed all the social media heat again by sneaking up on actress Scarlett Johansson on the red carpet.

Travolta, 61, approached Scarlett from behind and kissed her on the cheek, while sliding his hand around her waist.

The surprising smooch, and Johansson’s amused reaction, was captured with one click of the camera. And the rest, as they say, was history.

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Sneak attack: Actor John Travolta, who fluffed Frozen singer Idina Menzel’s name at last year’s Oscars, grabbed all the social media heat again by sneaking up on Scarlett Johansson on the red carpet

I ain’t sayin’ he’s a gold digger: A flurry of memes have since erupted after Travolta’s kiss, including this one with rapper Kanye West

A flurry of memes have since erupted after Travolta’s kiss.

They feature Kanye West, the Statue of Liberty and even Travolta kissing himself, dressed up as his character Edna Turnblad from the movie-musical  Hairspray.

A number of world leaders, including Kim Jong-Un and Vladimir Putin, also get a chance to receive the  Pulp Fiction star’s smooch.



But the famously affectionate Joe Biden makes sure to cut in on the Scarlett action himself. Who said three’s a crowd?

Travolta garnered even more attention Sunday night after he was reunited with Menzel, who he mistakenly introduced last year as ‘Adele Dazeem’, and proceeded to continually stroke her face.

The actor must have heard about it, because he later said: ‘Apparently I played with her chin too much’.


Dancing with myself: Travolta gets to shake it with his character Edna Turnblad from the movie  Hairspray

Give me your cheek! Travolta puckers up and wraps himself around the Statue of Liberty

What do you mean three’s a crowd? Famously affectionate Vice President Joe Biden gets in on the action

Kim Jong Un-happy: The 61-year-old actress plants a kiss on the North Korean dictator in this meme

Angel on my shoulder: Is it a miniature John Travolta or a giant Vladimir Putin?

V-J Day in Times Square: One of the country’s most iconic kisses, that is…until Travolta came along

Sorry Uma Thurma